Commissioning of the Boardwalk for the Differently-Abled

Commissioning of the Boardwalk for the Differently-Abled

HE Paula Mae Weekes ORTT delivers the Feature address @ the Boardwalk's re-Commissioning
L-R Mr Robert Green,Dr Sterling Frost, H.E. Paula Mae Weekes ORTT,Molly R. Gaskin share an amusing moment
Natural plants, fruits from the Trust decorate the Boardwalk's Opening, alongside the Teak Plaque
H.E The President of the Republic of T & T cuts the Nature ribbon to re-Commission the Boardwalk
Rolling a differently-abled visitor in her wheelchair over the Boardwalk
2 of our differently-abled visitors roll on the newly commissioned boardwalk
Mr.Anthony Smart, Dr. Sterling Frost walk along the newly commissioned Boardwalk
Mr Anthony Smart, Chairman First Citizens, Dr. Sterling Frost Deputy CEO, First Citizens, principal sponsors of the Boardwalk
Mr Robert Green,TTMF, part sponsor, on the Landing @ the end of the newly commissioned Boardwalk
The Boardwalk for the Differently-Abled around the Trust's Main Breeding Lake
The Boardwalk skirting the Main Breeding lake with Nymphaeae & Lotus Lillies
End of Boardwalk leading to the Trust's Nature Trails